National POW/MIA Recognition Day – September 21, 2012
Fort Hood, Texas
Star Group – Veterans Helping Veterans will have the honor along with many veterans’ organizations to join Fort Hood Soldiers and their families in honoring the memory of the sacrifices made by service members who were Prisoners Of War (POW) or those determined to be Missing In Action (MIA). It is a privilege and honor to participate in a wreath laying ceremony to mark National POW/MIA Recognition Day.
This ceremony will be held on Friday, September 21, 2012 at 9:00am at the Carl R. Darnell Army Medical Center. Each year, on the third Friday of September, the nation pauses to remember and honor Prisoners Of War and those Missing In Action.
Soldiers vow to never leave a fallen comrade behind, but that promise extends beyond Soldiers and to the Nation.
The day is an affirmation that these service members are not forgotten, because they are remembered every day.