Star Group

Veterans Helping Veterans



SGVHV Memorial Day Ceremony Canceled

Each Year Star Group Veterans Helping Veterans pays tribute and honor to every fallen soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live free.

We host a Ceremony which includes the Community, area Mayors and City Council and other Veteran Organizations who come together in reverence of Memorial Day.  This year due to Covid -19 social distancing directives we will not have our Memorial Day Ceremony. 

We at Star Group Veterans Helping Veterans, hope each of You and your Families make time on Memorial Day to Honor those who sacrificed for all of us. 

Star Group Veterans Helping Veterans members in our individual personal ways will pay tribute and honor to every fallen soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live free. 

REMEMBER ... All Gave Some and Some Gave All...Also, Some We Know BUT All We Owe.
STAY TUNED for our IN PERSON Reunion Honor/Celebration Event on Saturday, June 28th